Baton Rouge AIDS Society Celebrates
Its Fourth Annual
Gay Men HIV/AIDS Awareness
September 27, 2013
To Find Out More About This
Date, Click The Picture Below:

On September 27, 2008 NAPWA launched the first National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
(NGMHAAD). NGMHAAD is a new idea designed to refocus attention on a community that has long been affected by the HIV epidemic
here in the United States and abroad. It is a call to action that comes at time of heightened complacency about HIV among
gay men. Yet the nation faces a resurgence of new HIV infections among gay men. Throughout the year, community based organizations
(CBOs), health departments, faith based organizations, corporations, labor organizations, elected officials and other individual
and collective stakeholders participate in national HIV/AIDS Awareness Days. These days raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and
often focus attention on communities or groups that are disproportionately impacted by the epidemic. The National Association
for People Living with AIDS (NAPWA) is proud to be the originator of National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) which encourages HIV
testing and AIDS awareness in communities across the country. This year, NHTD garnered support from celebrities, seventy-nine
Mayors, members of Congress, major media outlets, and literally thousands of community and government organizations who helped
get the word out that people need to take the HIV test and take control of their health. NGMHAAD will build upon NHTD's success
by using methods already proven to be effective in increasing HIV testing and raising awareness about HIV/AIDS.
As A Leading AIDS Servicing Organization in the Baton Rouge area,
it is our commitment to increase awareness within our community during these important dates. Please feel free to support
our efforts by "Spreading the Word and Not the Virus!" Encourage the Gay Men that you know to get tested on
September 27, 2013. Results are given in "20 Minutes".
Friday, September 27, 2013
National Gay Men HIV/AIDS Awareness
Day Program
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
FREE HIV Testing at Main Site
4560 North Blvd.
Refreshments Will Be Served and Educational Seminars
Will Take Place While You Wait!
Funding for this program was supported by: |